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LGTBIQ+ Ancient & Eternal Love Stories

27. august 2022, 14:30 - 16:00


Saturday afternoon we welcome you to hear stories and music by Auria. The Peruvian storyteller, and singer-songwriter will present a new show of storytelling in an innovative way, sharing a life-research history compilation of non-heterosexual stories and songs.

Love is transversal to the human experience. The “love” concept has been told in so many ways, and up to today, some forms of love between humans are still “controversial”. Due to the different processes and realities that the LGTBIQ+ community still experiences, this performance aims to show poetic and fun moments of epic love stories: from the time of Roman emperors to the time of Jesus. From the Jungle of Latin America hundreds of years ago to nowadays love expressions: love has been love.

A description of Auria’s show in her own words:

The Music & Storytelling show performed by Auria with the mission of expanding awareness. Oral Storytelling is an ancestral art of transmitting knowledge and preparing humans to overcome challenging cycles of life. Stories of empathy, adventure and self-confidence with a modern twist that makes them relatable with everyday life will be told.


We are going to travel from the Amazon and Andes of Latin America to the Northern tradition with fun and lucidity.

Auria is a polyglot storyteller and musician. She was born in Amazonas, Chachapoyas in Peru. She has been telling stories since she was four years old. Auria is the author of pieces of drama, poetry, travel chronicles, tales and songs. She has training with the best storytellers of Peru, Brazil, Argentina and with her grandma.

Auria has a huge sense of adventure and desire to know the “self”. She, as an artist, believes in the healing power of words and expression, that is why she explores the wisdom of oral traditions and communicates them. Inspired by her passion she has explored The Amazonian-Andes, the Jungle of Latin America, Asia and now Europe. Her love for communication is real. She sings and plays the Andean string instrument “Charango” with its sweet and harmonic sound.

Auria Paz was based in Aalborg and now explores new geographical horizons. She was recently a speaker at the first TEDXAalborg, where she spoke about the importance of rituals for our lives and projects: living keys from the wisdom in oral histories and the music of native peoples.

Auria also spoke in queer panels, and shared her experiences as a queer woman of colour living in Aalborg.

Date and time

August 27 th at 14:30

Duration: aprox 45 min with 15 minutes break.


you are welcome to donate to the artist🙂


27. august 2022
14:30 - 16:00
Begivenhed Kategorier:


Buens Bogcafé
Maren Turis Gade 12
Aalborg, 9000 Danmark
+ Google Maps
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